It all began when Linda Bergkvist started her first sketches for her upcoming novel and storycollection based on her fantasy world Furiae, that most of her images is based on. During one of our regular chats I suddenly got the idea that it would be a good idea to launch some sort of card game or board game, following the release of her book, based on the same world. A game that would in a sense contain at least some traces of storytelling and that could channel the atmosphere of her visual work. After some brainstorming I soon came up with the basic concepts that were the seeds for what later, now, I am referring to as the Furiae boardgame, or more precisely by it's project name Furiae: The quest for Rinavor. Since not much has been printed about the world itself yet (although Linda has some ideas and plans for a lot of stuff for her world), you are probably by now wondering: "Who or what is a Rinavor". Well, let me explain the game for the first time publicly, and you might get an idea.
The game takes part in a particular area in the Furiae world, a place that has been quite central to a lot of the lore Linda has built up by the years. A place known as Rinavor. It is a land that has gone through a lot of conflicts and has a very colorful history. The current rule however, has banished all religion from it's land. Something that is really annoying the gods themselves. Four of the gods have however started a wager about who will be the first to break down this human vanity. So they all send out their most trusted avatars on a mission to convert the lands.
Now in the game the players will take the role as one of these gods, and guide their avatars with the help of magic and ancient artifacts to outmaneuver and battle the opposing avatars while converting as much of Rinavors population as possible by completing great deeds. However magic in the Furiae world doesn't really work like the typical D&D systems, but rather drawing it powers from completely different sources. Therefore I have built a system for this game to reflect this, dividing magic into three basic realms of Power, passion and harmony. Then it is up to the players to weave together their own magic powers from these sources. When one religion dominates most of the land, the god can send his avatar to the capital and claim his teachings state religion.
Quite early on I made up a great and intricate rule system that would offer some very dynamic gameplay, and that's where I stood about a little less than a year ago. A lot has happened since then. Firstly I have been postponing the game for some various reasons. Firstly, Linda herself has for necessitys sake had to postpone her book somewhat which have given me time to myself postpone the development. Secondly, we felt both a bit disencouraged when presenting the ideas for certain people, and although interest arose in the product, we both felt that people were aiming to take a bit more control over the product than we wanted, so we hesitated. And thirdly, I realised I had made a big mistake by making the first rulesystem too complex for the target audience. While it certainly would had been challenging for the typical boardgamer enthusiast, it probably was a bit too challenging for a more mainstream audience. So I have taken time to rebalance and simplify the rules without loosing the goal and atmosphere of the game. Fourthly, when I joined Spel² it also gave me less time for developing the game.
Today I am back on track however, and the game is nearing completion. I think I have a fairly playable system now that should be very enjoyable. What I need to do now is to make a simple prototype version of it, and playtest it on my friends and others perhaps. It's kind of a scary (and exciting at the same time) step to take since it will show if my system works or not in practice. And after that the process I'm not good at will begin: Pitching the game to a publisher.
Anyway, now you all know what I do with the rest of my spare time.
As an avid p´n´p roleplayer, computer and board gamer I have had an interest in this game since you sent me the very first design, way back. If you need any help playtesting it, I can get "the boys" together for a night of Furiae, with full reviews coming your way afterwards. =)
Btw, is that magic system in any way inspired by the non-formula magic system I once told you I had an idea for, or an old brainchild? Mine used the four elements as a base (known to gamers as Fire, Water, Earth and Jolt Cola), but was also removed from the whole static D&D system.
You have been busy haven’t you? All these projects on the go, you put me quite to shame.
I’m glad to see you back on track with this. Last time I talked to you about it you seemed rather gloomy. I’m also glad you managed to pickup the pieces and carry on after Linda’s hard disk crash, and all the data you lost.
I must say it all sounds pretty exciting. Good luck with it all. Just a pity I’m too far away to have a test bash at it.
No, it's completely unique really. The system initself, or the concept ofr it was of course made by Linda herself. But I adapted it into a much simplified version for the board game.
The system works much so that to cast spells you "weave" magic that you draw from different sources of power that the world is built upon. Magic is created from the balance and ways of how these magical threads are woven together. I don't want to go into detail in how we have solved it for the boardgame yet, and what we plan for her eventual future roleplaying game.
Why do you think my blog is named Unfinished Projects? I have too many ideas in my head ;) That's my problem. Can't seem to focus.
Haha! I'm just the same. I had a rant about this very subject on my Live Journal a while back.
-->I have too many ideas in my head ;) That's my problem. Can't seem to focus. <--
Thats only a problem if the ideas werent all so GREAT! Genius, pure genius..
Oh my god! Stop the madness! That's the last time I do you a favor ;)
Well, this game is in a large sense developed in synch with her books progress really. Not so much as to the storylines, but since the overall lore and certain characters and images might appear in the game, it is vital that something in the game don't directly contradicts anything written by Linda.
Also, releasing a game before the book would be a moot point, or at least not a good marketing strategy.
Oh, and we still need to find a publisher, but that's still a later issue. I have a hard time seeing that becoming a problem ;)
I really love Linda paintings, I can't wait to see and play that game. You are a lucky guy: I'll give my life for a second of talking with Linda.
Congratulations, man!
And good luck with that work.
Keep going!
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