Sunday, November 23, 2008

Oh yeah...

...I have a blog. I almost forgot.

So what have I been up to the last years? Well, much of my supposed blogging time is swallowed by other priorities. Most goes to my work for Gameplayer still, but I have been helping THD out with his Pakten-project a lot (especially during spring I was very active there), as well as other game-related stuff. And of course, I have a private life too, believe it or not.

I'm not gonna write much for Pakten anymore though, but me and TDH has been brainstorming about a MMO-related swedish blog among other things. It's supposed to be casual and broad (although of course focusing on the largest titles), so if you're interested in joining up, holler at us. We feel very enthusiastic about it and have a few people with us already.

Anyway, I've been thinking of re-vitalising this blog instead, now that I'm not actively writing for Pakten anymore. We'll see how that goes. There's a reason this blog is called "Unfinished Project" after all.

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